We worked rather fast. Our timetable were set to finish the day work by 6pm but we only used half of the day. The villagers and volunteers were all shocked by our working speed. We were all competitive and workaholics. We rejected breaks that is given to us. All we wanted is finish as fast as we could. However, the villagers were kinda tired because they had never worked so fast before.
They were all so good that we keep taking photos with them on the last day. It's really hard for us to bid farewell with them after working together for 7 days. I nearly teared when our truck was leaving the villagers. Looking at how grateful they were, I felt so happy for it.
Because we got to finish work early, we went swimming at the hotel. We hardly get to swim without swimming costumes. Therefore, we were all so happy playing in the pool. We almost went shopping everyday though we said we dont shop so much. Changed money again and again till we really went broke. We reach singapore with no thai and sing dollars. The bargaining were so fun and addictive. Look at how the people lose to us in the bargaining (Y)!
I really had so much fun in the thai trip that I still could not forget about it and people there. Without my dear friends, I could not enjoy so much too. We had so much fun in the hotel, so much laughter on every rides and knowing each other more. But, I really miss my parents and my mridiot so much during the trip! I didnt regret of going this building trip!
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