
(:Angela (:belle (:kelly (:stephanie (:stephanieBS (:Bryan (:zhengyu (:Jingrong

Saturday, April 30, 2011

This blog is so deaddddddddd! I'm so so so lazy to blog.
Recently, we are complaining how slack we were since the school reopen. Although we have work to do, the submission date was in 2 weeks time. This make me slow down my working pace. I don't like it this way because we will become lazier and it's really hard for us to start our 'motor'. When major project is thrown to us, that's when we suffer.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sometimes I wanted to lock all my blog, tumblr or facebook if I can. I don't like to let others read about my stuff. Is is because whenever I'm emotional, I tend to spam lots of stuff. I'm afraid they might get irritated of it. Or even got the wrong idea of what I'm going to say. But sometimes, I really can't keep everything to myself anymore. That's why i blog or post.

There's really these changes aren't it? I really don't know is it just me. Maybe I'm just too sensitive. I really hate this side of me. I wanted to be happy, I wanted to stay positive and I wanted to explain for everything but I realised, I've lose control of it.

These few nights I've been quite emotional that I couldnt stand it anymore. I want to let all these stop here but can I?

I really dont know how to describe the feelings. Maybe it's a mixed feelings. Every words, every hugs, there's a weird emotional coming out from me. I feel like crying.

There's nothing happen but I just felt this way. I"ve tried but I've failed to overcome myself. I tears and I fell asleep last night.

I really need some help here but I couldnt tell anyone about it. Not really cant but I dont want.

I question myself but I can't answer. Nobody can.

Maybe it's time to let everything out, to myself, in my room, under my blanket, alone.