Just came back from Sentosa and its a really last min outing.
Sentosa is a place I wouldnt get bored with. Provided everyone is in the spirit of playing.
This morning, we thought that we wouldnt have fun because of the weather. Its raining heavily when we reached vivo. However, the rain stopped when everyone was gathered. The number of people coming was rather disappointing but we continue with our plan. Wanted to get those inactive committees to be bonded with us. But those who really want them to come, they were not present. As usual, I get sunburn and injuries at the end of the day. I dont know why I'm always the reddest among the rest and I dont like it. People will be looking at my face and say, wah so red. Face, you are really attention seeker :X

Lastly, thanks steph for bringing your skates although it's really heavy. Appreciated :)
You are most welcomed. hahahaha. If not my skates also seh-gor. LOL